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How Soon Can You Buy A Pregnancy Test [EXCLUSIVE]

Herr K, Moreno C, Fantz C, et al. Rate of detection of unsuspected pregnancies after implementation of mandatory point-of-care urine pregnancy testing prior to hysterosalpingography. J Am Coll Radiol. 2013 Jul;10(7):533-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2013.01.011.

how soon can you buy a pregnancy test


The human chorionic gonadotropin (or hCG) hormone is known as the pregnancy hormone because it is produced by the body when pregnant. At-home pregnancy tests specifically look for the presence of hCG in the urine to determine if a person is pregnant.

You can avoid some of these at-home false positives or negatives by waiting for the 7-day period of time following your embryo transfer. This is how long most clinics recommend that patients wait before testing. At the Fertility Institute, we recommend that all of our patients simply avoid at-home pregnancy tests. Even with the wait, these pregnancy tests are simply too unreliable for IVF patients, with potentially-high emotional costs with a false positive or negative. Instead, we always suggest in-clinic IVF pregnancy tests for our patients.

At The Fertility Institute, our team creates a testing schedule you can trust based on your IVF progress. Roughly seven days after the date of your embryo transfer, our doctors will schedule a beta pregnancy test. This is a blood test that more precisely measures the amount of hCG present in your body. If this number indicates a possible pregnancy, we schedule a repeat blood test 2 to 7 days later. As pregnancy progresses, the levels of hCG in your body should increase dramatically.

If you have questions about fertility treatment, a pregnancy test after IVF, or would like to learn more about our treatment methods, contact us at your earliest convenience. We look forward to meeting you!

The Fertility Institute of New Orleans (FINO) specializes in female infertility, male infertility and LGBTQ+ reproductive services, offering comprehensive fertilitytreatments such as IVF, fertility testing, egg freezing & fertility surgery, along with financing & IVF discounts. Our board-certified fertility doctors believe patient education, empathy and expertise is the best strategy for your success.

This test provides an accurate measurement of the amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) present in your blood. HCG may appear in the blood of pregnant women about 10 days after conception. This pregnancy blood test is more accurate and can detect pregnancy earlier than other home pregnancy tests.2

Under the care of your healthcare provider, this hCG pregnancy blood test may also be used to help identify an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, evaluate an at-risk pregnancy, or confirm a woman is not pregnant before pursuing medical treatments that could negatively impact a developing fetus.1

False Negative Results (test is negative, but you are pregnant): usually occur if the blood pregnancy test was performed too early (a rule of thumb is that it takes about 10 days after conception for the test to show a positive result). A negative result may be attributed to not enough hCG in the blood to detect a pregnancy. Your hCG levels rise very quickly during early pregnancy. If you believe that you received a false negative result because you tested too soon and you still have not had a menstrual period, you may repeat the beta hCG quantitative test again after waiting 48 to 72 hours.2

False Positive Results (test is positive, but you are not pregnant): very rarely happens. You may get this result if you are taking a medication that contains hCG or due to certain medical issues.2

A pregnancy test can tell whether you're pregnant by checking a sample of your urine (pee) or blood for a specific hormone. The hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). High levels of hCG are a sign of pregnancy. hCG increases quickly in the first ten weeks after a fertilized egg attaches to the inside wall of the uterus.

Urine tests for pregnancy are most accurate when you do the test a week or two after you've missed your menstrual period. If you take a urine test too close to the time you got pregnant, the test could say that you are not pregnant even when you really are. That's because your body may not yet have made enough hCG to show up on the test.

You can have an hCG urine test at your health care provider's office or you can do the test yourself with an at-home test kit. These tests are basically the same, so many people use a home pregnancy test before calling their provider. If you follow the instructions carefully, home pregnancy tests are about 97-99% accurate. They can give you the results in minutes.

Blood tests for pregnancy can be done at your provider's office or a lab. These tests can find very small amounts of hCG, so they can accurately show whether you're pregnant before you've missed your period. But hCG blood tests aren't commonly used to check for pregnancy. That's because urine tests are less expensive, very accurate, and provide quicker results than blood tests. hCG blood test results may take hours to more than a day.

You may need this test if you think you're pregnant. Symptoms of pregnancy vary from person to person. The most common sign of early pregnancy is a missed period. Other common signs of early pregnancy may include:

Home pregnancy tests are quick and easy to use. You can buy a home pregnancy test kit without a prescription. The kits include test sticks or strips that react to hCG in your urine. The steps for doing a test depend on the brand, so it's very important to follow the instructions that come with your test. For most test kits, you'll either:

After waiting a certain number of minutes, you'll check your results on the test stick or strip. The instructions will tell you what to look for. In general, to get the most accurate results with any home pregnancy test, you'll need to:

Blood tests are done at your provider's office or a lab. A health care professional will take a blood sample from a vein in your arm, using a small needle. After the needle is inserted, a small amount of blood will be collected into a test tube or vial. You may feel a little sting when the needle goes in or out. This process usually takes less than five minutes.

If you're doing a urine test, don't drink large amounts of fluid before collecting your sample. That could dilute the hCG in your urine, and it may not show up on the test. Otherwise, you don't need any special preparations for a pregnancy test that uses urine or blood.

A negative result means hCG wasn't found in your sample, so you may not be pregnant. But a negative result doesn't always mean you're not pregnant. If you did a home urine test too soon, your body may not have made enough hCG to show up the test.

hCG levels increase every day during early pregnancy, so it's a good idea to repeat the test again in a week. If you get negative (not pregnant) results on two home tests, but you still think you're pregnant, call your provider. If you get a negative result on a test that your provider does, ask your provider if you need another test.

A positive result means that hCG was found in your sample. That usually means that you're pregnant. It's important to see your provider as soon as possible to make sure you get the right care. If you did a home test, your provider may do another test to confirm your pregnancy.

Most pregnancy tests simply measure whether or not you have hCG in your sample. But certain pregnancy tests also measure how much hCG you have. These tests are called quantitative hCG tests, and they're usually done on blood samples.

Your provider may also order a quantitative hCG blood test to help diagnose or monitor health conditions that aren't related to pregnancy. These include ovarian and testicular cancer along with other conditions that can increase hCG levels.

How accurate is this test? The accuracy of this test depends on how well you follow the instructions and interpret the results. If you mishandle or misunderstand the test kit, you may get poor results.

Most pregnancy tests have about the same ability to detect hCG, but their ability to show whether or not you are pregnant depends on how much hCG you are producing. If you test too early in your cycle or too close to the time you became pregnant, your placenta may not have had enough time to produce hCG. This would mean that you are pregnant but you got a negative test result.

Because many women have irregular periods, and women may miscalculate when their period is due, 10 to 20 pregnant women out of every 100 will not detect their pregnancy on the first day of their missed period.

How do you do this test? For most home pregnancy tests, you either hold a test strip in your urine stream or you collect your urine in a cup and dip your test strip into the cup. If you are pregnant, most test strips produce a colored line, but this will depend on the brand you purchased. Read the instructions for the test you bought and follow them carefully. Make sure you know how to get good results. The test usually takes only about 5 minutes.

The different tests for sale vary in their abilities to detect low levels of hCG. For the most reliable results, test 1-2 weeks after you miss your period. There are some tests for sale that are sensitive enough to show you are pregnant before you miss your period.

You can improve your chances for an accurate result by using your first morning urine for the test. If you are pregnant, it will have more hCG in it than later urines. If you think you are pregnant, but your first test was negative, you can take the test again after several days. Since the amount of hCG increases rapidly when you are pregnant, you may get a positive test on later days. Some test kits come with more than one test in them to allow you to repeat the test.

Is this test similar to the one my doctor uses? The home pregnancy test and the test your doctor uses are similar in their abilities to detect hCG, however your doctor is probably more experienced in running the test. If you produce only a small amount of hCG, your doctor may not be able to detect it any better than you could. Your doctor may also use a blood test to see if you are pregnant. Finally, your doctor may have more information about you from your history, physical exam, and other tests that may give a more reliable result. 041b061a72


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