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Hector Tarasov
Hector Tarasov

Where To Buy Subaru Coolant

If you own a 1990 to 2002 2.2l or a 1995 to 1999 DOHC 2.5l you can use just about any type of regular Green Antifreeze/coolant. You do not need to add any type of stop leak, I mean coolant conditioner, the service interval is every 30,000 or about every 2 years on average. This will hold true in most all Subaru Outbacks, Impreza, Forester, Legacy and WRX models.

where to buy subaru coolant

If you own a 1999 to 2008 SOHC 2.5l you should use the O.E. Subaru Long Life Coolant that is green in color pictured below. If you have not had the Head Gaskets replaced or they were done at the Dealer you should also use the Cooling system conditioner as well. If you have had the Head gaskets replaced and the shop that made the repairs used the Six Star gaskets you can use normal green coolant and DO NOT need to put any stop leak I mean conditioner in the cooling system.

My question is due to the past Coolant Conditioner use should I now practice preventative maintenance and replace the possibly restricted radiator with a new Subaru OEM radiator or just do a complete coolant system drain and flush and replace with new Subaru green coolant?

There are two possibilities. Either the gauge is Lying or the Scan tool is, because the sensor for the Scan tool and the sending unit for the gauge live about one inch from another the best test would be to obtain an infrared type thermometer that you can point at the area in the coolant crossover that houses the sending until and sensor and see what actual temps are. Once you know the answer to that question testing should resume from there. I think this type here should work fine, wont break the bank and will double as a pizza stone temp checker. -Infrared-Thermometer-Gun-Humans/dp/B07VSHR9M6/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2EGAZ6UJH7IMD&keywords=infrared+thermometer&qid=1647933559&sprefix=infr%252Caps%252C128&sr=8-3&_encoding=UTF8&tag=alwhdrau-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=526315f0e487c3df616521edf3a81987&camp=1789&creative=9325

Hi! Just wanna say thank you for replying to these questions. I just bought a 2005 Subaru Outback a few months ago. Need to change the coolant as the engine has started overheating and the tank is bone dry. Do I use the Subaru green long life coolant or the new blue stuff? The engine was recently rebuilt with new head gaskets and a timing belt. From what I understand the engine is newer than 2005 but how new is a mystery to me. Would love some help deciding. Thank you!

If you fill it properly the WP should not be dry, we use a Vacuum type refill system on most post 2007 models, prior to that we would just use the coolant fill funnel and purge the air out while we filled, on some models this was done by removing the Air bleed screw at the radiator, on others we would remove a bypass hose to give air a place to escape while filling. Once coolant comes out of the open port, reinstall hose or plug and continue filling.

In preparing to change AF in my 2011 Forester I viewed you most excellent video on Youtube. where you recommend removing the lower radiator hose from the thermostat housing and then remove the thermostat to quickly drain the entire system.Got ready to do this and found for my model I have to remove the front exhaust pipe! (Seems a little out of character for a company that puts the oil filter on top!)Since removing the exhaust pipe is more than I feel comfortable doing myself I suppose I am left with just draining the radiator and refilling?Am I missing something? Is that my best option?

I have a 2005 Forester XS. I recently did a cooling system flush and fluid change. I used the coolant conditioner (read stop leak) on the advice of someone from a forum because my car was consuming antifreeze. I used a global extended life coolant that meets JIS K2234 standards.

It would be better to have it serviced sooner rather than later. I know many coolants sold in aftermarket channels state they are compatible, what I have seen is gelling issues at the rad cap that prevented proper cap function.

Your right there are only a couple of companies that make coolant, but they make it to the buyers specifications. I try to focus on the things that are important to me and steer clear of clouding the brain with the chemical composition of each and every fluid we use.

So to answer the question I know the basics of the make up of the coolant, but not the entire formula. You would have to do your own chemical composition test as the supplier wont be able to release that info and Subaru of Japan surely wont ever let you know, I mention SOJ as opposed to SOA as there wont be anyone at the Dealer level that cares or has a clue its just a job to them.

I have a 2002 Outback 2.5L with 75k miles. I was planning on doing a coolant flush and using 50/50 mix of distilled water and Prestone coolant. Prestone is stated as being silicate, phosphate, borate and nitrite fee and suitable for all cars and aluminum.

I have a 2002 Outback 2.5l with 75k miles. I am planning on changing the coolant and was planning to use 50/50 distilled water and basic Prestone, which is stated to be phosphate, silicate, borate and nitrite free and have an extended life of 5 years.

I recently purchased a 2003 Outback 2.5 with 118,000 miles; I am thinking of adding coolant and conditioner but I have no idea if the conditioner was added before. Is it ok to add one bottle of conditioner, and do I have to use green Subaru coolant or can I go with the new blue (50/50) Subaru coolant? Thanks.

I have a 2011 Outback took to dealer for oil change they contact me to say there is tran fluid in radiator then say it is wrong coolant what damages is there to engine or radiator or heater core and will flushing the system work dealer says need new hoses and radiator

Hi. I would like to know if I need to add coolant and if so, is there a coolant at Walmart that would suffice? I have a new to me 2010 2.5 outback with 84,000 mi . I have a 200 mi drive tomorrow. When checking the coolant over flow container of a cold engine the coolant is not even at the minimum level. I am a novice about car care. Can you give some advice so that I can get the car home and to A service station?

I have a 2001 OB with 160K Miles. Pretty sure it has the original Head Gaskets. It had the coolant conditioner added at 98K along with new coolant. I bought it a 130K miles. I am going to change the coolant soon. I plan on using Subaru Coolant. At $27 at my local dealer, I wonder, what is so special about it? How is it different from Prestone or Beck Arnley? Also, should I add coolant conditioner again? The Head Gaskets are holding up still. Thanks.

We use normal green coolant on cars we have installed the six star head gaskets in, Subaru coolant during the course of a K service when the Subaru is still under warranty, and the conditioner under the same set or parameters begrudgingly.

Hi, I have,subaru outback station w. 2003,the motor have a leake of antifreeze,I have spend a lot of time loocking the place from coming leake, but is imposible, find, I think, the leake is comin from a freeze plogs from the rear motor, if some one may help to me, thank

Sorry to hear that something as easy as coolant has to be so difficult. I will actually Have one of my guys get an exact shipping cost for the Green coolant shipped VIs UPS Ground for you and send you an email.

This was the only engine coolant that is approved for my Mazda 3 2.3l, all others have silicate, borate, nitrite. So it was the closes to me and in walking distance from my house, (sprang a leak) fixed it this weekend, I saved as much of the old coolant (funds were low). Got back on the road and ready for work again.

Don't buy this coolant. Bought 2 jugs and both came sealed with particles inside. Like some fibers or something. So there goes $80 since I had to go buy 2 new jugs of Zerex. First time happening to me buying coolant. From now on, I'd just stick with either OEM coolant or go with Zerex. Never had a problem with Zerex coolant.

The gasoline isn't the only vital fluid that makes your car's engine run. Another is coolant, also known as antifreeze, but thankfully you don't need to fill up with coolant ever so often at the coolant station. However, there are a few things you should know about how the coolant works in your car and what regular maintenance is required for the cooling system. Get some critical information about your car's cooling system below from the pros at the Capitol Subaru service department.

Most people today call it coolant, and that's exactly what it does: keeps the engine cool. By recirculating liquid coolant through the engine, it draws heat away from the engine block and the moving parts inside. That heat is then exchanged with the outside air at the radiator as you drive along. The radiator is positioned behind the vehicle's front grill, so it gets lots of airflow. The coolant inside the radiator cools back down before it's sent back to the engine to repeat the process.

Modern antifreeze is usually pre-mixed, though some coolant has to be blended with water. Antifreeze is really just water mixed with some ethylene glycol or propylene and anti-corrosion additives to help keep the system from rust build-up. It's usually green, blue or more rarely pink or orange in color.

Your Subaru vehicle was pre-filled from the factory with Subaru Super Coolant, which has been specially engineered for exceptionally long life. The recommended replacement interval is after 11 years or 137,500 miles of driving! Thereafter, you'll get the best reliability and longevity from your vehicle with regular coolant replacement every 6 years of 75,000 miles.

Checking the coolant level is a smart thing to do from time to time if you're able. However, be sure not to open the radiator cap unless you know that the engine is cool! Removing the radiator cap of a hot engine can cause hot coolant to boil over out of the radiator, potentially splashing on you and causing burns. In fact, most modern cars have a remote coolant reservoir with a translucent tank and a fill line printed on the tank itself. To check the coolant level, just look at the reservoir! If the fluid level is well below the fill line, you may need the system inspected and topped-off. 041b061a72


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