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Claire Linturn Group

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Groin Gorbachev
Groin Gorbachev

Conceptual Design Of Chemical Process Solution Manual

Is your drinking water clean? Is it safe to drink? In the last two decades, the presence of new chemical compounds called emerging pollutants has been detected in wastewater, aquatic environments, and drinking water. Emerging pollutants result from a variety of human processes and do not break down easily and therefore accumulate in our environment. The animation illustrates what emerging pollutants are, how they enter water sources, and what role individuals can take in improving the quality of their drinking water. Watch the animation and please share it!/12012

Conceptual design of chemical process solution manual

The aim of this manual is to promote significant, comparable evaluations of the efficiency of fish protection and bypass systems. Standardized evaluation principles are defined and the manual constitutes a framework for an objective evaluation process. The developed planning, investigation and evaluation processes provide a base for consistent study results to improve the scientific knowledge and to optimize effective site specific solutions. The manual was developed by a consortium including FLUSS, IGF and Profish. Ecologic Institute was significantly involved in the concept and design of the manual's infographics./11964

The design and development processes of complex technical systems are of crucial importance to the competitiveness of an enterprise. These processes are characterised by high creativity and strong non-deterministic dynamics. Traditional information science methods, however, are intended for more deterministic work processes. They cannot be effectively applied to support creative activities like conceptual synthesis, analysis, and decision making. Therefore methods of experience management need to be exploited here. This paper presents a new integrated approach to such design process guidance based on capturing the process traces in a Process Data Warehouse (PDW). Both the products to be designed and the process steps corresponding, are structured and stored as extended method traces. This trace capture facilitates the processing and subsequent reuse of the information through a process-integrated development environment. The concept of the PDW has been evaluated in an engineering design case study which focuses on the phases of conceptual design and basic engineering in designing a chemical production plant.

In designing and developing complex technical systems, the design engineers are confronted with the high dynamics of the processes and the many degrees of freedom in designing technical structures, in addition to the complexity of the structures themselves. The difficulties of their tasks result from the use of utilities like different design and simulation tools, and the planning and distribution of resources, such as personnel. In such a creative engineering-process, any restriction of the experts in their options would greatly affect their productivity and might even lead to project failure. Today, these tasks frequently involve experts from several disparate disciplines, for example, computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering, and control engineering. Their complex and non-deterministic work processes need to be supported by thorough and integrated information science methods and systems. Presently, the possibilities of such support are widely being researched in computer science.

Solutions have been established so far mainly for deterministic work processes. They are often found in the domains of business, economics, or management. These solutions cannot be directly transferred due to the non-determinism found in complex technical design processes. The design processes involve the intricate interplay of eliciting complex requirements, synthesising solution possibilities, analysing the alternative models by simulations and other methods, and deciding on alternatives by discussing the analysis results. The software environments currently found in these areas are usually very heterogeneous. Each tool has been developed for a separate step of these processes, yet these software tools are seldom able to cooperate. While they are able to support the evolution of product data, only a few tools also comprise process support. It is important not to separate the products or artefacts created as part of these design processes--documents, diagrams, and other products--from the processes themselves. Any kind of integrated support needs to take both aspects of products and processes into account. Yet the design processes treated here are not sufficiently well understood to allow applying prescriptive and deterministic approaches to...

This course explores the nature of technologies we use to assist in our thinking, learning and teaching by examining the latest development in tools, techniques, and devices used in engineering education within a STEM learning environment. The course focuses on cognitive tools associated with engineering activities and how to blend them with science and mathematics using new tools, techniques and devices for managing the complexity of tasks to support inquiries into new discoveries and innovations and integrating them into PreK-16 educational processes. These tools range from representational tools, computational tools and cognitive tools for supporting group thinking and learning. The course evaluates various learning technologies relative to specific learning goals and outcomes and will design a technological tool to support thinking, learning and/or teaching about concepts in STEM. Identifying assessment methods that indicate cognitive change in learners as a measure of the effectiveness of a device/tool in context of an activity. Prerequisites: Senior standing. (OFFERED AS NEEDED)

Biomolecular events such as gene transcription, protein binding or cell cycle regulation, play a key role in the interpretation of biological processes and cellular functions. For instance, a given protein may regulate the expression of a gene, whose products are in turn involved in some biological process. These events, as well as their biological significance and impact, are usually described in the scientific literature, and building up the complex chains of events that compose a biological network is a very demanding and time-consuming task. Additionally, the yielded knowledge can also be used by the pharmaceutical industry for both drug discovery and design, as the identification of proteins involved in key events might result in the subsequent uncovering of new drug targets. Thus, automatic event extraction from text constitutes an important contribution, in order to help find hidden biological relationships and allow faster updating of existing knowledge.

The piping designer delivers detailed analytical concepts and then backs up those concepts withwritten justification. You take a project from the conceptual stage through to completion, includingbudgeting and operational considerations. The piping designer works with an international teamfinding solutions to improve existing installations, both commercial and technical. Drafts reports basedon information gathered from systems in the field. The position requires the piping designer to befamiliar with regulations and know how to implement them in manuals. The piping designer interfacesan individual with experience in the various aspects of piping design who can perform the duties of aLead Designer for mid-size and small projects. These duties include producing P&ID, piping andgeneral site-layout, piping design drawings, 3D model, interfacing with vendors and fabricators andother engineering disciplines and performing field design work.

Background: Elderly people with severe finger weakness may need assistive health technology interventions. Finger weakness impedes the elderly in executing activities of daily living such as unbuttoning shirts and opening clothes pegs. While studies have related finger weakness with ageing effects, there appears to be no research that uses an algorithmic problem-solving approach such as the theory of inventive problem-solving (TRIZ) to recommend finger grip assistive technologies that resolve the issue of finger weakness among the elderly. Using TRIZ, this study aims to conceptualise finger grip enhancer designs for elderly people.

Methods: Several TRIZ tools such as the cause-and-effect chain (CEC) analysis, engineering contradiction, physical contradiction, and substance-field analysis are used to conceptualise solutions that assist elderly people in their day-to-day pinching activities.

Results: Based on the segmentation principle, a finger assistant concept powered by a miniature linear actuator is recommended. Specific product development processes are used to further conceptualise the actuation system. The study concluded that the chosen concept should use a DC motor to actuate fingers through tendon cables triggered by a push start button.

The research methodology flow chart is shown in Figure 1. The main problem is defined by reviewing past literature to establish a cohesive understanding of the current research landscape (see Underlying data 125 for descriptions of the literature and data sources used). The second step is to identify the root causes of the main problem. In this step, a problem-solving tool known as TRIZ is used. A cause-and-effect chain (CEC) analysis diagram is constructed from key findings of past research to help identify potential causes of the problem and to narrow them down to specific root causes. The method of formulating contradictions is pivotal in TRIZ 64 and is applied in the next step. Three methods are used in this research, namely the engineering contradiction, physical contradiction and substance-field analysis. These methods are used in resolving the root causes. After generating the conceptual solutions, the next stage is product development. Selection methods are also applied in various parts of the methodology. Figure 1. Research methodology flow diagram. 350c69d7ab


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  • Nick Siddiqui
    Nick Siddiqui
  • Hector Tarasov
    Hector Tarasov
  • Peter Lavrentiev
    Peter Lavrentiev
  • Mason Taylor
    Mason Taylor
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    Otto Zykov
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